Ann Summers Discount codes & Deals
Ann Summers is a British retailer specialized in lingerie, sex toys, cosmetics and swimwear. Fulfill your desires and tickle your fancies with Ann Summers nightwear.
We are here to help you find the best Ann Summers discount codes / promo codes / voucher codes, along with the best deals. This overview shows you all of the codes that we have managed to find with the help of our community. Take some time for yourselves and embrace the erotic side!
If you have found an Ann Summer discount code or an amazing deal that has not been added to Spydeals yet, feel free to share it! By sharing it you can help others save money.
Yes, all orders over £35 get free standard shipping. If your order value is over £60, you even get free express shipping!
If you would like to get in touch with someone from Ann Summers, you can reach out via their contact page. Simply select why you need help and you should be connected to someone who can help you from there.
Most of the Ann Summers discount codes get you 15% off your order at Ann Summers, but you can also sign in to StudentBeans, UNiDAYS or Youth Verify if you are a student or between the ages 18-21 to save 20%.
When shopping at Ann Summers you can pay using credit or debit card, PayPal or Amazon Pay.
Yes, if you do not want others to see that you have ordered from Ann Summers, you can select a discrete packaging option.
Any UK order that exceeds an order value of £35 will be delivered for free (3-5 business days). If your order value is below £35, you will be charged a £3.50 shipping fee. You can also Cselect the Click & Collect option for free. If you would like to receive your order the next day, you can opt for Express delivery at £5.95 (free if your order value is over £60).
The good thing about shopping at Ann Summers is that returns are free. You can either return your item by shipping it back, or you can return your item to an Ann Summers store. If you would like to ship your item back, find the returns form on their website.
First you will need to find yourself an Ann Summers discount code. If there are any codes available, you can find them at the top of this page. To view and copy the code, just click on 'Show code'.
Go to Ann Summers and add the lingerie, sex toys, swimwear, nightwear or other items to your cart.
Are you ready to place your order? Click on 'My bag' in the top right corner. On the right hand side you will see your order summary, along with the text 'add a promo code'. Fill out your code and click on apply code.
Good job! You have just saved money by applying an Ann Summers discount code.
The company was named after the female secretary of the founder.
Across the UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands, Ann Summers has over 140 stores.
When purchasing from Ann Summers, you can choose to have your package delivered in discrete packaging.
The Ann Summers chain has been around for over 50 years.
Discount | Description | Expires |
20% off | Save 20% discount on all Sex Toys with this vouchercode from Ann Summers | 26/02/2025 |
15% off | Get 15% off when you order from Ann Summers | 28/02/2025 |
20% off | Enjoy 20% off when you order at Ann Summers | 28/02/2025 |
20% off | 20% off all Lora DiCarlo products at Ann Summers | 28/02/2025 |
10% off | Subscribe to the Ann Summers newsletter and use this vouchercode for a 10% discount | 28/02/2025 |
Highest discount
March (29%)Most Discount codes
December (8)🛍️ Discount Codes: | 5 |
⚡ Best discount: | 20% |
🏷️ Deals: | 16 |
💲 Sales: | 6 |