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Get 6 months free Apple News+ on EE

Get 6 months free Apple News+ on EE

Valid to: 10/01/2023 13:41
Deal score: 342
Valid to: 10/01/2023 13:41

Level 11
Text NEWSPLUS to 150.
Was just flicking through the offers on my EE account and noticed that all pay monthly (phone contract or 12m+ SIM only) existing EE customers can get 6 free months of Apple News+ instead of the standard 1 month trial.
It says on the offer that it applies if you have Apple Music - I can’t confirm whether it works without Apple Music as I use it myself.
Redeems via App Store redemption card.
£9.99 per month after 6 months charged through Apple account - cancel subscription via your Apple ID if you don’t want to continue.
Might be worth it for those like me who like reading newspapers etc.


Deal score: 342

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